



This year marks our 9th annual Games & Interactive Salary & Satisfaction Survey! Every year for the last nine years we have conducted a survey aimed at the wonderful people of the games & interactive industries. The survey covers not only salary, but also a range of other points of interest which vary year to year. This year we covered brand new topics based on current events, focusing on the four day working week and the cost of living crisis where we take a close look at how they have impacted the industry and as a result we have seen some insights this year that haven’t been observed in previous years. For the first time we see salary as a consistent front runner when it comes to the most important aspect of work and reasons to change job, which is likely a reflection of the current cost of living crisis. Another interesting piece of data is how the desire for flexible/remote working is no longer a top reason to want to change jobs, which could be due to remote working now being the norm at most studios, which it wasn’t prior to the COVID pandemic. The last insight I’d like to point out is to consider respondents stating wanting to finish their current project as a top reason for turning down a job offer. This leads me to think about what studios are doing to retain their staff once projects finish, as the data implies that this is the time when people are most likely to consider moving into a new job. These are just a few pieces of data I’ve picked out, but there is loads more juicy information waiting to be discovered in the report。


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